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Top GotPhoto Features for School Photographers

Photographer Tim Macdonald shares his experience on how GotPhoto's unique features have helped his volume photography business.

Tim’s Favorites

Tim Macdonald

As a volume photographer, you need your workflow and sales system to have the benefits that matter the most for you and your business.

Whether it’s the way you sell your photos, how much time you spend pre- or post-shoot, or even how you communicate with parents, your software should make your life easier.

School and sports photographer Tim Macdonald credits GotPhoto as a key partner in his volume photography business. Check out a few of his favorite and most-used features in this post!


Online Sales

Selling your photos online is the way forward for school and sports photography. With different tools to help you increase your revenue with no extra effort, we can see why Tim loves his online shop!

“When we switched to online proofing from prepay, we saw higher average purchases, quicker processes with the automation features, and less admin work overall.

Another awesome thing about GotPhoto and selling online is having no fee for digital downloads. We can use that to upsell and make even more in an order, in addition to the prints they purchase.”

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Digital Downloads

“Another awesome thing about GotPhoto is having no fee for digital downloads. We can use that to upsell and make even more in an order, in addition to the prints they purchase.”


“The communication profiles have got to be one of my favorite features in GotPhoto. They are easy to use and key to driving our sales. You can even market to just those that haven’t purchased yet.”


“Didn’t get emails or phone numbers from your school? No problem, use the preregistration link option to collect all parents data when they sign-up.”

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QR Tagging

Tim was looking for an easy way to capture multiple poses for each student on picture day and have them sorted into individual galleries. This is easy with GotPhoto!

“Tagging QR codes with our phones or tablet devices has sped up our data matching process. I can now set jobs up in literally two minutes before the shoot.”


Book A Call

Curious to discover what could be your favorite feature? Chat with a member of our team to get a run through of the system and see what features we offer that are most important for your business. We will then set up a free demo that is customized to your business workflow.

Using GotPhoto This Fall?

Then we recommend reading up on our Ultimate School Photography guide, which is packed with tips for using GotPhoto and making the most of your studio.

We also recommend our series of Deep Dive webinars that explain key aspects of using GotPhoto such as:

Time for change


Less admin work


Happier parents and schools


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